Voucher to Hangar 646 - the perfect gift!
After purchase, we will send you a voucher in PDF format with the code, which you can send to the gift recipient or print to give in person!
Vouchers in Hangar 646
📥 If you are interested in purchasing a voucher please email us at info@hangar646.pl
One hour entry39 PLNInvitation for Oreo Fans (two pairs of socks included)140 PLNInvitation to the Perfect Date (two pairs of socks included)190 PLNMonthly Voucher Open 1h of jumping from 5PLN!300 PLNYearly Voucher Open less than 1,5 PLN for 1h of jumping!1000 PLN
One hour entry39 PLN
Invitation for Oreo Fans140 PLN(two pairs of socks included)
Invitation to the Perfect Date190 PLN(two pairs of socks included)
Monthly Voucher Open300 PLN1h of jumping from 5PLN!
Yearly Voucher Open1000 PLNless than 1,5 PLN for 1h of jumping!
One hour entry
Invitation for Oreo Fans(two pairs of socks included)
Invitation to the Perfect Date(two pairs of socks included)
Monthly Voucher Open1h of jumping from 5PLN!
Yearly Voucher Openless than 1,5 PLN for 1h of jumping!