Sport Classes Rules and Regulations


Organiser – Gravity Park Sp. z o.o. with its headquarter located in Warsaw at 35 Goplańska Street, 02-954 Warsaw, tel. 22 123 55 66 registered into The National Court register in The Register of Entrepreneurs under the number 0000514593, entered in The National Official Business Register, REGON under the number 147296989, tax identification number NIP 9512380720,

Regulations – these Terms and Conditions of Regular Sports Classes supplementing the General Terms and Conditions of Hangar 646

Client – Person purchasing classes in Hangar 646. The Client should be at least 18 years old and have full legal capacity or be a legal person or an organisational unit without legal personality, but able to acquire rights and incur obligations in its own name.

Subscriber – A Client who has purchased Classes at Hangar 646 in the form of a subscription.

Participant – A person taking part in Classes

Subscription – a form of payment via a payment card that allows for regular, periodical debiting of the Subscriber’s account, without the need for the Subscriber to perform transactions in the system each time, entitling the Subscriber to use Classes for the duration of the subscription, and to additional benefits on the terms specified in the Regulations.

Classes – regular sports classes organised by the Organizer in a class group selected by the Client on a specified date and in the specified location of Hangar 646

Fee – a fee for Classes paid for a specified number of classes, payable to the Organiser by the Client, determined according to the Organizer’s price list and depending on the form of registration and payment selected by the Client in accordance with the principles specified in the Regulations. The current price list of regular sports classes is available on the Organizer’s website and at the reception.

Customer Account – an account in the System available to subscribers allowing them to manage absences, subscriptions and their cancellation

System – a Service providing a service of mediating in the sale of tickets and handling subscriptions for the Organizer. The owner of the service and the data administrator is GOING SP. Z O. O. with its registered office in Warsaw, 3/36 Szymczaka Street, 01-227 Warsaw, entered into the Register of Entrepreneurs of the National Court Register under the KRS number 0000588000, whose registration files are kept in the District Court for the capital city of Warsaw in Warsaw, 12th Commercial Division of the National Court Register, REGON: 363058596, NIP: 5272751272, e-mail:

Basic information

1. The Client is obliged to read the Regulations and they are accepted by the Client at the time of registration for Classes.

2. Each Participant is obliged to read and comply with the rules contained in each of the Hangar 646 regulations.

3. Each Participant of the classes must be registered before the start of the first class.

Registration can be done via website in the “Registration” tab or on site.

4. The Client has the option of registering for classes for the entire semester, in which case they are obliged to register via website, which is associated with a Subscription, or to register for a specified number of classes in a given month, in which case they are obliged to register on site at any Hangar 646.

5. If the minimum number of participants is not met, which is:

a) 4 people in a group of 4-6 people.

b) 5 people in a group of 5-10 people.

c) 5 people in a group of 5-14 people.

d) 13 people in a group of 13-20 people

The Organizer reserves the right to cancel classes or to terminate the group.

6. The Organizer reserves the right to change the schedule of classes (cancellation of individual classes) or to terminate groups in which there is no minimum number of participants. If such a change occurs during the current semester, the difference resulting from the remaining purchased classes will be refunded.

Stationary form of Registration for Classes

7. Registration in the stationary form takes place at the Hangar 646 Reception Desk by

a) reporting the desire to register for Classes to the reception staff,

b) providing data such as: the name and surname of the Client and Participant, date of birth of the Participant, telephone number and e-mail address of the Client. This data is necessary to provide the service, and refusal to provide it results in removal from the list of participants.

8. The Participant may register for a specified number of classes in a given month for the current and subsequent month in the group in the current semester.

9. By registering the Participant for classes, the Client acknowledges that they are reserving and paying for spots in a specific group, on a specific date from the date of registration until the end of the classes for which the fee was paid. The amount for the paid classes is non-refundable. 10. The Organizer does not guarantee the availability of spots in the group on dates other than those for which the fee was paid. The Client is aware that they may not be able to continue sports classes in the selected class group after this period.

11. Payment must be made at the time of registration for the classes. Payment can be made by card or cash, in any Hangar 646. Failure to make payment is equivalent to failure to register for the Classes by the Client.

12. After payment, the Client will receive confirmation of registration by email along with tickets for the Classes.

Online form of Registration for Classes – Subscription

13. Registration for classes in the online form is done by filling out the form available on the Hangar 646 website and involves the need to sign up for the Subscription.

14. Registration for Classes via the website may involve the need to read and accept additional System Regulations. The regulations are available under the registration form.

15. The form referred to in point 13 should be completed in full, truthfully and in accordance with the instructions provided in its content. Providing data such as: name and surname of the Subscriber and Participant, date of birth of the Participant, telephone number and e-mail address of the Subscriber and the data of the Subscriber’s payment card (card number, CVC number, and card expiry date) is necessary in order to provide the service, and refusal to provide them results in deletion from the list of participants.

16. By registering a Participant for classes, the Client acknowledges that they are reserving places in a specific group, on a specific date from the day of registration to the end of the subscription period.

17. The subscription period lasts from the moment of registration for classes until the end of the current semester of classes or until the subscription is cancelled. During the subscription period, the Participant is guaranteed a spot in the Classes to which the Subscription applies, provided that the Fees are paid.

18. The Subscription Billing Period lasts from the first to the last day of the current calendar month. The Fee for the first billing period is charged at the time of registration, and the fee for each subsequent Billing Period is charged on the last day of the month preceding the Billing Period.

19. The amount of the Fee is fixed and in accordance with the current price list available on the Hangar 646’s website applicable at the time of registration. The exception is a situation in which the Participant signs up for classes during the current month, in which case the fee for the first billing period will be reduced by:

a) 25% of the Fee in the case of signing up after the first week of classes,

b) 50% of the Fee in the case of signing up in the middle of the current month,

c) 75% of the Fee in the case of signing up in the last week of the month In addition, the Subscriber is always informed of the amount of the Subscription Fee before signing up.

20. By providing the card details, the Subscriber authorises the System to automatically charge the fee for Classes from this card for subsequent similar Billing Periods, by debiting the Subscriber’s account with the amount corresponding to the Fee. in accordance with point 19.

21. If the collection of the amount corresponding to the Fee of a given Subscription Billing Period, from the Subscriber’s payment card fails due to lack of funds on the payment card account or expiration of the card, the Subscriber will receive a message to the e-mail address informing about the failure to collect the fee for the Classes and the next attempt to collect such payment. The system may attempt to collect the payment for a period of 3 consecutive days from the date of the first attempt to collect the payment. If the payment collection fails, the subscription will be automatically cancelled. The participant will be removed from the list of participants, and the spot in the group will be released the day after the expiration of the 5-day period referred to in the previous sentence. The customer will be informed by email

22. The Subscriber may cancel the Subscription at any time and without giving a reason, with the indication that the funds already collected for the current billing period are not refundable. The Subscriber must cancel the subscription before the 25th day of the month preceding the next Billing Period so that the Fee for that period is not charged.

23. The subscription must be cancelled via the Customer Account.

24. The Subscriber is entitled to additional perks in the form of benefits that the Subscriber may take advantage of at a given time, that are variable over time.

The Subscriber will be informed by email about the benefits available at a given time and their detailed terms. General terms and conditions of the benefits are defined in the Regulations.

25. The benefits referred to in point 24 are available only during the subscription period and cease to be available at the time of cancellation of the subscription.

26. The Organizer may disable the automatic recurring payment function at any time, without giving reasons. In this situation, the Organizer should notify the Subscriber: (i) of the intention to disable the automatic recurring payment – within 30 days of the planned deactivation date, and (ii) of the fact of disabling the automatic recurring payment immediately after disabling.

27. After registering via the website, the Subscriber will receive a confirmation of registration, a ticket for the first Classes and an email with a link to set up a Customer Account to the email address provided by them.

28. Information about active subscriptions, the paid Settlement Period and the date of the next payment, as well as the Participant’s attendance history will be available on the Customer Account throughout the subscription period. 29. Complaints regarding the subscription are handled by Going Sp. z o.o., which is the recipient of the payment. The user should send the complaint to the correspondence address, which forwards it to the appropriate persons. The complaint should include the following information: name and surname, e-mail address of the subscriber and information about the complained subscription and the billing period. Going Sp. z o.o. undertakes to provide full and exhaustive complaint handling.

Cancellation of classes

30. Reporting absence is possible only and exclusively 8 hours before the start of the Classes. Failure to report absence before the designated date is tantamount to losing the opportunity to collect the voucher.

31. Absence should be reported in the Customer Account (available for subscribers) or by e-mail to The date and time of receipt of the notification by the Organizer is considered.

32. As part of the reported absence, the Participant may collect a voucher valid for 30 days, covering a single entry to any Hangar. The value of the voucher is PLN 44.

33. Collection of the voucher referred to in point 32 is possible until the end of the subscription or paid Classes.

34. The Participant has the right to use the entry ticket to Hangar 646 without using the training service. This option is available on the date specified on the ticket, i.e. during the Classes or on the terms specified in point 31-34 of the Regulations.

35. The Organizer does not refund the costs of a training service that the Participant did not use, regardless of the reason, unless the Participant was unable to use the service due to the fault of the Organizer.

36. The Organizer does not refund the costs of classes that the Participant did not attend, regardless of the reason for the absence.

37. The Participant does not have the possibility of making up classes in another group or at another time, regardless of the reason for the absence.

38. The Organizer provides trained staff of instructors and trainers for the duration of the classes. In the event of the absence of an instructor, the Organizer provides a substantial replacement. In the event that it is not possible to find a suitable replacement is not possible, the Organizer reserves the right to cancel individual classes and refund the costs for the cancelled classes or transfer the fee for the cancelled classes to the next, unpaid classes.

Age restrictions 39. The classes may be attended by children from the age 3, adolescents and adults.

40. Participants may sign up for classes only in the dedicated age group. In exceptional circumstances, the Organiser reserves the right to individually assign a Participant to the age group.

41. The Organiser reserves the right to remove from the list of participants a person who, without the Organizer’s consent, signed up for a group in a different age group than the dedicated one.

42. Guardians of Participants who are under 11 years of age should stay on the premises of Hangar 646 during the Classes.

43. Guardians of Participants who are under 5 years of age should stay on the premises of the sports infrastructure during the animation in order to take care of them.


44. Hangar 646 instructors / trainers are responsible for the safety of participants during the classes, which means that:

a) the trainer is in the hall during the classes;

b) the trainer has the right to leave the place of the classes only when the group is under the supervision of another trainer.

45. Instructors are not responsible for the Participant’s unauthorised leaving the classes and departure from the classes.

46. Hangar 646’s trainers do not provide care over the participants of the classes, understood as care of meeting the needs of a person. Trainers / instructors are required to conduct the classes as described and to look out for the safety of participants during the classes.

47. The guardian of the Participant is responsible for the safety of children in the changing rooms and on the premises of Hangar 646.

48. The Participant should arrive on time in sports clothes and in non-slip socks. Being late for sports classes results in a shortening of the warm-up time or the Participant can be ordered to do the warm-up on their own.

49. Before the start of the classes, the Participant should immediately inform the trainer about any possible injury or health problems that may prevent them from doing certain exercises.

50.First aid in Hangars 646 is provided by a trainer. If necessary, an ambulance is called.

51. The Participant is obliged to follow the safety rules of Hangar 646 and to avoid situations that can be threatening to their own safety and that of other participants of the classes. 52. A Participant of the sports classes, who does not follow the Terms and Conditions of Hangar 646, can be removed from the list of participants without the possibility of reimbursement for unused classes.

Personal data

53. A Client who books a place in a group by providing their personal data consents to their processing for the purpose of registering for classes.

54. The participant has the right to view their own personal data at any time, to change it and to delete it upon resignation from classes.

55. The data processed by the Administrator may be entrusted to companies responsible for IT support of Hangar 646, but only for the purposes necessary for its operation.

56. By accepting the above regulations, you consent to the processing, updating, sharing and storage of the personal data of the Participant and you for the purposes of the proper implementation of classes.

We will answer any questions that are not answered in these regulations by e-mail at: